Burn Day Status

July 3 - Ag Burn only. Backyard Burn Season is CLOSED.





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Air Quality Rules & Regulations

Construction Phase Air Quality Rules/Regulations:

Please look below and see if any of the following activities are applicable to your project so your project can be properly conditioned by the planning agency. The following explanations are simplified (1). Click the links or go to the listed websites for more specifics.

  • Burning Restrictions: Developmental burning (burning to clear way for development) or use of burn barrels for any reason are not allowed by the APCD.
  • Proper Abatement of Asbestos-Containing Materials: Demolition and remodeling of residential, single structures having four (4) or fewer dwelling units is exempt from federal rules for handling, abatement, and disposal of asbestos-containing material. Demolition or remodeling of any other structure is subject to the asbestos National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants Regulation (NESHAP) and project proponents must contact APCD’s Compliance Division. For requirements, click here: https://www.slocleanair.org/rules-regulations/asbestos.php
  • Naturally Occurring Asbestos: Naturally occurring asbestos (NOA) has been identified by the California Air Resources Board as a toxic air contaminant. Determine if your project is in a candidate area for NOA and if so, the necessary Air Toxic Control Measures by clicking here: www.slocleanair.org/rules-regulations/asbestos/noa
  • Proper Abatement of Lead-Based Coated Structures: Demolition, remodeling, sandblasting, or removal with a heat gun can result in the release of lead-containing particles from the site and proper abatement is required. An APCD permit is required for sandblasting operations. For additional information regarding lead abatement, contact the San Luis Obispo County Environmental Health Department at 805-781-5544, Cal-OSHA at 818-901-5403, or go to: epa.gov/lead.
  • Idling Limits:  Diesel idling mitigation is required when a parcel(s) being developed is within 1,000 feet of sensitive receptors
  • Portable Construction Equipment Permits: Diesel engines 50 hp or greater powering portable compressors, concrete pumpers, generators, woodchippers, and assorted equipment are subject to APCD permit requirements or must be registered in the State’s Portable Equipment Registration Program (PERP). For a more detailed equipment list, click here: slocleanair.org/library/download-forms 
  • Residential Wood Burning Devices: For residential projects that will install wood burning devices, applicant needs to follow the requirements found here: www.slocleanair.org/rules-regulations/woodstoves.phphttps://www.slocleanair.org/rules-regulations/woodstoves.php


Operational Phase Air Quality Rules/Regulations:

Please look below and see if any of the following activities are applicable to your project so your project can be properly conditioned by the planning agency. The following explanations are simplified (2). Click the links or go to the listed websites for specific requirements.

  • Idling Limits: Diesel idling mitigation when a diesel engine on the developed property will be within 1,000 feet of sensitive receptors. (3)
  • Health Risk Assessment (HRA): An HRA may be necessary when a new development has the potential to emit toxic or hazardous air pollutants and is located in close proximity to within 1,000’ of sensitive receptors.


(1) For detailed conditions/mitigation requirements for the first 4 items in this list, see the 2nd page on the following website: https://storage.googleapis.com/slocleanair-org/images/cms/upload/files/2021CEQAWebpage-ConstructionMitigation%26SpecialConditionsGuide %28pdf%29.pdf

(2) For detailed conditions for the two items in this list, see: https://storage.googleapis.com/slocleanair-org/images/cms/upload/files/2020CEQAWepage-OperationalMitigation%26SpecialConditionsGuide%2006162021%28pdf%29.pdf

(3) Sensitive receptor locations include schools, parks and playgrounds, day care centers, nursing homes, hospitals, and residential dwelling unit(s)