Burn Day Status

July 2 - Ag Burn only. Backyard Burn Season is CLOSED.





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Cannabis Cultivation

The California Department of Food and Agriculture has identified cannabis as an agricultural product, therefore the District recognizes cannabis as an agricultural crop. The California Health and Safety Code specifically exempts nuisance related to odors emanating from the growing of agricultural crops. However, as a controlled substance, crop waste from cannabis cultivation is not eligible for agricultural burning. For concerns related to the cultivation of cannabis, please refer to the San Luis Obispo County Agriculture Department.

Cannabis Manufacturing/Processing

The District has determined that all cannabis processing facilities are subject to permitting requirements and must complete and submit an application for an Authority to Construct (ATC) prior to operation. In addition, all facilities shall have a manufacturing license with the California Department of Public Health Manufactured Cannabis Safety Branch prior to applying for an ATC.
The Cannabis Manufacturing/Processing Application can be found on our Downloadable Forms page or by clicking here. Information to be submitted with the application shall include, but not be limited to:

  • A copy of the manufacturing license
  • Equipment specification sheets for all equipment used in the processing operations
  • MSDS for any solvents and/or processing aids used
  • Building layout that shows where the processing will take place
  • Odor management plans and ventilation equipment specification data
  • Any other information that is pertinent to the District’s understanding of the process

If you have any further questions regarding the application process, feel free to call the District at 805-781-5912 or send an email to [email protected].