Burn Day Status

July 3 - Ag Burn only. Backyard Burn Season is CLOSED.





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Previous Hearing Board Actions

Materials Related to Hearing Board, October 13, 2023

October 13, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. - AGENDA

Meeting can be viewed by clicking here

Materials Related to the October 13, 2023 Hearing 

Draft October 14, 2022 Hearing Board Meeting Minutes
Provisional Final 2023 ARWP Cover Letter
Provisional Final 2023 ARWP
Provisional Final 2023 ARWP Attachments

Written Public Comments Received 

Anonymous Public Comment 10-13-2023 
Martin Akel Public Comment 10-13-2023 
Mary Louis Labadie Public Comment 10-13-2023 
Richard Wishner Public Comment 10-13-2023
hris Sorenson Public Comment 10-13-2023
Ed Harris Public Comment 10-13-2023
Michael Normoyle Public Comment 10-13-23 
Concerned Citizens for Clean Air Public Comment 10-13-2023 
California Air Resources Board Public Comment 10-13-2023 
Yvonne Williams Public Comment 10-13-2023
inday Reynolds Public Comment 10-13-2023 
Arlene Versaw Public Comment 10-13-2023 
J.P. O'Connell Public Comment 10-13-2023 
Rachelle Toti Public Comment 10-13-2023


Materials Related to Hearing Board, October 14, 2022

October 14, 2022 at 9:00 am (virtually) - AGENDA

YouTube Livestream Link: https://youtu.be/Pd9dhAWrUag

Materials Related to Hearing Board Meeting 10-14-2022 

Hearing Board Legal Notice

Application to Modify Stipulation Order of Abatement #17-01

Proposed Order to Modify Existing Stipulated Order of Abatement #17-01 

First Amendment of Stipulated Order of Abatement #17-01 Approved 11-18-19

Stipulated Order of Abatement #17-01 Approved 4-30-18

Final Filed Order to Modify Existing Stipulated Order of Abatement #17-01 - filed Oct 18, 2022

Final Approval Letter for the ARPWP

Public Comment Related to October 14 Hearing

Cindy Lewis Public Comment
Ed Harris Public Comment
John O'Connell Public Comment
Martin Maglione Public Comment
Rosemary Remacle Public Comment
Stan Gitler Public Comment
Arlene Versaw Public Comment
Charles Varni Public Comment
Concerned Citizens for Clean Air Public Comment
Ed Harris Public Comment #2
Jenny West Public Comment
Michael Normoyle Public Comment
Rachelle Toti Public Comment
Chris Sorenson Public Comment
Dorothy Hines Public Comment
Dorothy Modafferi Public Comment
Linda Reynolds Public Comment
Liz Murray Public Comment
Mary Louis Labade Public Comment
OHMVR Commission Public Comment
Ross Chenot Public Comment
Sherry Trade Public Comment
Allen Doran Public Comment
Elizabeth Manak Public Comment
Glenn Eineman Public Comment
Jim Suty Public Comment
John O'Connell Public Comment
Len Jarrott Public Comment
Marcia Johnson Public Comment
Richard Wishner Public Comment 
Tom Roth Public Comment  
Tom Roth Public Comment #2
Tom Roth Jump Drive #1 
Tom Roth Jump Drive #2 
Bill Morris Public Comment 
Tom Giangreco Public Comment 
Scott DiSalvo Public Comment


Materials Related to Special Hearing Board, October 4, 2022

October 4, 2022 at 2:00 pm (virtually) - AGENDA

YouTube Livestream Link: https://youtu.be/4DFjN9o9aNE

Thomas Roth Public Comment


Materials Related to Special Hearing Board, June 8, 2022

June 17, 2022

June 17, 2022 at 9:00 am (virtually)  - Agenda

June 17, 2022 Hearing Board Meeting Notice

YouTube Livestream Link: https://youtu.be/rmWEMPG3Rgo

Hearing Continuance Notice - April 20, 2022

Hearing Board Meeting Notice  - Continued to June 17, 2022 (Rescheduled April 26, 2022 meeting)

Joint Status Report - State Parks and APCD

Exhibit 1 - APCD Analysis of Air Quality Response to Mitigations

Exhibit 2 - Scientific Basis for Possible Revision of the Stipulated Order of Abatement (SAG)

SAG SOA Presentation by Raleigh Martin

ir Quality Impacts Presentation by Karl Tupper

ceano Dunes Status Report Presentation by Ronnie Glick

Public Comments Related to June 17, 2022 Hearing

Stanley Gitler 4-18-22 Public Comment
ichard Wishner 4-18-22 Public Comment
ich Henderson Public Comment
artin Akel 4-18-22 Public Comment
ohn P. O'Connell Public Comment
o Gustely Public Comment
d Harris Public Comment
laire & Paul Granberry Public Comment
llen Doran Public Comment
om Ryan Public Comment
tanley Gitler 6-10-22 Public Comment
oss Chenot Public Comment
osemary Remacle Public Comment
onda McKible Public Comment
ichard Wishner 6-10-22 Public Comment
artin Akel 6-3-22 Public Comment
achelle Toti Public Comment
inda Reynolds Public Comment
ean Baker Public Comment
anis Spire Public Comment
ric Troff Public Comment
oncerned Citizens for Clean Air Public Comment
hris Sorensen Public Comment
rlene Versaw Public Comment
T Larson Public Comment 
David Bernstein Public Comment 
Jim Babcock Public Comment 
Joyce Southwood Public Comment 
Michael Normoyle Public Comment 
Peg Pinard Public Comment 
Yvonne Williams Public Comment 
Dorothy Hines Public Comment 
Friends of Oceano Dunes Public Comment 
Jared MacLeod Public Comment 
OHMVR Commission Public Comment


June 8, 2022  - Agenda 

YouTube Livestream Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EEQGm7enKQ


Materials Related to Special Hearing Board, March 4, 2022

March 4, 2022 - Agenda

YouTube Livestream Broadcast: https://youtu.be/cguDt1r2wZE


Materials Related to Hearing & Public Worshop, October 14, 2021

October 14, 2021 Agenda 

YouTube Livestream Broadcast:  https://youtu.be/Yazks5QGlQA

Public Comments Related to October 14, 2021 Hearing

Chris Sorenson Public Comment
Donna Groman Public Comment
Michael Elliott Public Comment
Stanley Gitler Public Comment
Kent Fossum Public Comment
Craig and Linda Walker Public Comment
Chris Sorenson Public Comment #2
Michael Normoyle Public Comment
Kathleen Boyd Public Comment
John O'Connel Public Comment
Ed Cox Public Comment
Anthony Lord Public Comment
Sheila Miller Public Comment
Mark Zagar Public Comment
Richard Wishner Public Comment
Liz Murray Public Comment
Concerned Citizens for Clean Air Public Comment
Rachelle Toti Public Comment
Katherine Harris Public Comment
Arlene Versaw Public Comment
Ed Harris Public Comment
Tom Ryan Public Comment
Jaclynn Nisbett Public Comment
Sheila Consoli Public Comment
Yvonne Williams Public Comment
Priscilla Slocum Public Comment
Dorothy Modafferi Public Comment
Jo Gustely Public Comment
James Babcock Public Comment
Dorothy Hines Public Comment
Linda Reynolds Public Comment
Jean Baker Public Comment
Janine Peck Public Comment

Materials Related to Special Hearing, September 28, 2021

September 28, 2021 Agenda

Staff Report & Resolution Regarding Virtual Meetings

Materials Related to Petition 17-01, March 24, 2021

YouTube Livestream Broadcast: https://youtu.be/dxCQB-QEtqA 

Documents Related to March 24, 2021 Hearing Board Meeting

March 24, 2021 Agenda

October 23, 2020 Meeting Minutes

November 12, 2020 Meeting Minutes

Press Release

APCD Comment Letter to State parks on Draft PWP and EIR

APCD Comment Letter to Coastal Commission on Review of CDP 4-82-300

Public Comments Related to March 24, 2021 Hearing Board Meeting

Michael Normoyle Public Comment
Arlene Versaw Public Comment
Dorothy Hines Public Comment
Lucy Jacob Public Comment
Chris Sorenson Public Comment
Rachelle Toti Public Comment

The San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District (APCD) Hearing Board is providing notice to the public that it will conduct a virtual public hearing on March 24, 2021, at 9:00 a.m.

The hearing will provide an opportunity for the public to make comments on any item considered. The public is invited to provide written public comments in advance of the meeting.

Any materials intended to be provided to the Board and added to the meeting’s administrative record need to be received by the Clerk of the Board by 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 23, 2021.  Please note – any audio/video materials provided will not be played during the live meeting but will be posted to our website.  

Materials Related to Petition 17-01, November 12, 2020

November 12, 2020 - Agenda 
9:00 a.m.
Zoom Webinar Teleconference: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81331654308
Zoom Webinar Recording (Closed Session Report Out): Click Here
YouTube Livestream Broadcast: https://youtu.be/k7XDPKbCviU

Materials Related to Petition 17-01, October 23, 2020

October 23, 2020 - Agenda
YouTube Livestream Broadcast: https://youtu.be/YKBCOp8c8Tk

Draft November 18, 2019 Hearing Board Meeting Minutes
Notice of Meeting & Public Workshop Announcement. 
4th Draft 2020 Annual Report and Work Plan
th Draft 2020 ARWP Attachments
earing Board and Public Workshop Press Release

Written Public Comments Received Prior to October 21, 2020 at 1:00 p.m.

Richard Wishner Public Comment
hris Sorenson Public Comment
Janice Reid Public Comment
Concerned Citizens for Clean Air Public Comment
Dorothy Modafferi Public Comment
Martin Akel Public Comment
orothy Hines Public Comment 
Dorothy Hines Public Comment #2
Ed Harris Public Comment
Friends of the Oceano Dunes Public Comment
Linda Reynolds Public Comment
Michael Normoyle Public Comment
Michael Normoyle Public Comment #2
Rosemary Nelson Public Comment
Sheila Miller Public Comment
Friends of Oceano Dunes Public Comment
Friends of Oceano Dunes Supplemental Docs - Vol.1
Friends of Oceano Dunes Supplemental Docs - Vol.2 
Friends of Oceano Dunes Supplemental Docs - Vol.3 
Gail Applegate Public Comment
David Moore Public Comment

Materials Related to Petition 17-01, November 2019

Monday, November 18, 2019 - Agenda  Watch (Recorded Video)

Official Notice of Hearing of the SLO County APCD Hearing Board
Petition of the Hearing Board Filed 11/1/2019
Proposed Order of Abatement Filed 11/1/2019


Amendment to Order of Abatement #17-01

All Written Public Comments Recieved Prior to November 15, 2019

Dr. Richard Wishner Public Comment
Brett Trumper Public Comment
Arlene Versay Public Comment
Claire Granbery Public Comment
Claudia Horton Public Comment
Concerned Citizens for Clean Air Public Comment
Dorothy Modafferi Public Comment
Rachelle Toti Public Comment
Scott DiSalvo Public Comment
Dorothy Hines Public Comment
Kathy Boyd Public Comment
William Kennedy Public Comment
David Bernstein Public Comment
Ed Harris Public Comment
Michael Normoyle Public Comment
on Amador Public Comment
Linda Reynolds Public Comment
Michael Elliott Public Comment
Michael Young Public Comment
Rosemary Nelson Public Comment


Materials Related to Petition 17-01, April 30, 2018

Filed Stipulated Abatement Order - Petition 17-01

All Written Public Comments Related to Petition 17-01

Click here to be directed to all Public Comments received between Nov 2017 and present.  

APCD and State Parks Hearing Materials Related to Petition 17-01; April 30, 2018 Hearing

Monday, April 30, 2018 at 9:00 am   

April 30, 2018 Proposed Draft Stipulated Abatement Order - Amended 4/26/17
April 30, 2018 Proposed Draft Stipulated Abatement Order
Exhibit 24 - ARB Modeling Results
Exhibit 25 - ODSVRA Emissions Map

APCD Hearing Materials Related to Petition 17-01

APCD Staff Report
APCD Proposed Abatement Order (Amended)
APCD Document List (Amended)
APCD Witness List (Amended)
APCD Exhibit 1 - APCD Phase1_SouthCountyPMStudy-2007
APCD Exhibit 2 - APCD Phase 2_SouthCountyPMStudy-2010
APCD Exhibit 3 - SouthCountyCommunityMonitoringProject
APCD Exhibit 4 - DRI Wind and PM10 Character_2013 Assess Monitoring_09-22-2014
APCD Exhibit 5 - 2013_Pl-SWERL_Report of Findings_07_2015_Final
APCD Exhibit 6 - ODSVRA Air Quality Studies - APCD Summary - Sept 2016
APCD Exhibit 7- SVRA Complaints
APCD Exhibit 8 - PM Std Violations 2012-2017
APCD Exhibit 9 - Rule1001C.3 Violations - July 2015-June 2017
APCD Exhibit 10 - EPALtr-04-15-2015_Allen_SLO
APCD Exhibit 11 - CCC Ltr to SP on 2017 Emergency Permit
APCD Exhibit 12 - Health Commission 2017-05-15 Ltr to Board of Supervisors
APCD Exhibit 13 - APCDRule1001
APCD Exhibit 14 - 2014-03-18 Consent Decree Oceano Dunes - Final
APCD Exhibit 15 - Methodology to Assess Mitigations
APCD Exhibit 16 - AQ Report Appendices
APCD Exhibit 17 - SPVegetationIslandStudy-2007
APCD Exhibit 18 - Representativeness of Oso Control Site Monitor
PCD Exhibit 19 - APCO Email to OHMVR on Potential NOV 4-14-17
PCD Exhibit 20 - APCD Notice to SP Per Agreement 5-5-17
PCD Exhibit 21 - NOV 2963 Issuance Letter 6-12-17
PCD Exhibit 22 - NOV 2963 Mutual Settlement Letter, NOV and Maps
PCD Exhibit 23 - APCD Response to SP 7-21-17

State Parks Hearing Materials Related to Petition 17-01, Received after November 13, 2017

State Parks Exhibit - APCD Continuance Letter, January 19, 2018
State Parks Exhibit - Operational Mitigations, January 18, 2018 
State Parks Exhibit - Dust Control Project 2018

State Parks Hearing Materials Related to Petition 17-01, Received prior to November 13, 2017

State Parks Witness and Exhibit List
State Parks Answer to Petition Abatement Order 11-8-17
State Parks Exhibit 1 - Transcript of Rule 1001 Hearing 11-11-11
tate Parks Exhibit 2 - Friends of Oceano Dunes Petition (Case CV120013)
tate Parks Exhibit 3 - Friends of Oceano Dunes Petition (CV130457)
tate Parks Exhibit 4 - Consent Decree 3-26-14
tate Parks Exhibit 5 - Friends of the Oceano Dunes Petition (Case 14CV0514)
tate Parks Exhibit 6 - Consent Decree Amendment 9-24-14 
State Parks Exhibit 7 - Friends of the Oceano Dunes Appeal -Opinion (Case B248814)
tate Parks Exhibit 8 - Friends of the Oceano Dunes Appeal-Order Modifying Opinion
State Parks Exhibit 9 - Friends of the Oceano Dunes Petition (Case 16CV0013)
tate Parks Exhibit 10 - Friends of the Oceano Dunes- Ruling on Scope of Judgement
tate Parks Exhibit 11 - Friends of the Oceano Dunes Petition (Case 16CV0160)
tate Parks Exhibit 12 - Draft EIR 7-2016
tate Parks Exhibit 13 - Draft EIR - Appendices 
State Parks Exhibit 14 - Final EIR 3-2017
tate Parks Exhibit 15 - APCD Letter 6-12-17
tate Parks Exhibit 16 - Parks Letter 6-16-17
tate Parks Exhibit 17 - APCD Letter 7-6-17
tate Parks Exhibit 18 - Parks Letter 7-21-17
tate Parks Exhibit 19 - APCD Letter 7-25-17
tate Parks Exhibit 20 - Parks Special Master Brief 8-25-17
tate Parks Exhibit 21 - APCD Special Master Brief 8-31-17
tate Parks Exhibit 22 - CCC Staff Report (TH23B)
tate Parks Exhibit 23 - CCC Staff Report - Addendum (TH23B)
tate Parks Exhibit 24 - CCC Staff Report - Correspondences (TH23B)
tate Parks Exhibit 25 - CCC Staff Report - Exhibits (TH23B)
tate Parks Exhibit 26 - CCC Notice of Decision
tate Parks Exhibit 27 - Notice of Hearing 9-28-17
tate Parks Exhibit 28 - Parks Letter 10-10-17
tate Parks Exhibit 29 - Pre-Hearing Conference Letter 10-11-17
tate Parks Exhibit 30 - Petition for Abatement Order 10-14-17
tate Parks Exhibit 31 - APCD Notice 10-16-17
tate Parks Exhibit 32 - Friends of the Oceano Dunes Petition (Case 17CV0576)
tate Parks Exhibit 33 - Chair Letter 10-24-17
tate Parks Exhibit 34 - Pre-Hearing Conference Agenda 10-24-17
tate Parks Exhibit 35 - APCD Letter 10-25-17
tate Parks Exhibit 36 - Chair Letter 10-26-17
tate Parks Exhibit 37 - Notice of Hearing 10-27-17
tate Parks Exhibit 38 - Parks Request for Continuance 11-3-17
State Parks Exhibit 40 - 1939 Aerial Dune Preserve
State Parks Exhibit 40 - Axh-1939-Army 102-113
State Parks Exhibit 40 - Axh-1939-Army-102-114
State Parks Exhibit 40 - Axh-1939-Army-102-115
State Parks Exhibit 40 - Axh-1939-Army-102-117
State Parks Exhibit 40 - Axh-1939-Army-102-119
State Parks Exhibit 40 - MIL AIr Photo Flights Imagery Report
State Parks Exhibit 40 - Teledyne - Fairchild - A74
State Parks Exhibit 40 - Teledyne - Fairchild - A76
State Parks Exhibit 40 - Teledyne - Fairchild - A113
State Parks Exhibit 40 - Teledyne - Fairchild - A115
State Parks Exhibit 40 - Teledyne - Fairchild - A144
State Parks Exhibit 40 - Teledyne - Fairchild - A146
State Parks Exhibit 40 - Teledyne - Fairchild - A148
State Parks Exhibit 40 - Teledyne - Fairchild - A174
State Parks Exhibit 40 - Teledyne - Fairchild - A176
State Parks Exhibit 40 - Teledyne - Fairchild - A178
State Parks Exhibit 40 - Teledyne - Fairchild - A197
State Parks Exhibit 40 - Teledyne - Fairchild - A199
State Parks Exhibit 40 - Teledyne - Fairchild - A221
State Parks Exhibit 40 - Teledyne - Fairchild - Index
State Parks Exhibit 41 - Up and Down California Excerpt
State Parks Exhibit 42 - Larry Hunt Original Aeolian Sand Dunes in Santa Maria Basin
State Parks Exhibit 44 - CGS Review of SLO Phase 2
State Parks Exhibit 45 - tra OHMVR Phase 2 Comments
State Parks Exhibit 46 - Sand Grain Size Analyses Part 1
State Parks Exhibit 47 - Sand Grain Size Analyses Part 2
State Parks Exhibit 48 - Final Pilot Project Report 15-9-2011
State Parks Exhibit 49 - 11-1-2011 CGS Report, Draft Rules with Figures
State Parks Exhibit 50 - TRA SLO Attach 2011112 Final
State Parks Exhibit 51 - CGS Memo - Scientific Concerns Regarding Rule 1001
State Parks Exhibit 52 - DRI Oceano Dunes Wind PM Characteristics 
State Parks Exhibit 53 - PI SWERL Measurements July 2014 
State Parks Exhibit 54 - 2013 PI SWERL Addendum
State Parks Exhibit 55 - DRI SPring 2014 Dust Control Proposal
State Parks Exhibit 56 - DRI Oceano Dune Wind PM Conditions
State Parks Exhibit 57 - Gillies and Lancaster 2013