Burn Day Status

July 3 - Ag Burn only. Backyard Burn Season is CLOSED.





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Community Air Protection - Archive Page

In 2017, Governor Brown signed into law Assembly Bill (AB) 617 (Chapter 136, Statutes of 2017) which directed the California Air Resources Board (CARB), in conjunction with air districts to establish the Community Air Protection Program (CAP). AB 617 provides a new community-focused action framework to improve air quality and reduce exposure to criteria air pollutants and toxic air contaminants in the communities most impacted by air pollution. The CAP Program aims to facilitate GHG emission reductions and furthers the purpose of AB 32 and related statues.

The APCD accepted grant applications for zero or near zero emission projects in low-income areas of the county on October 1 through November 30, 2019. Because funding still remained after the deadline, applications will be accepted until March 2, 2020. Projects will be funded on a competitive basis and must comply with the Community Air Protection Incentives 2019 Guidelines, the California Climate Investment Guidelines and the Carl Moyer Program Guidelines. More information is provided in the Program Overview.

More information on the grant program and grant applications for eligible project types are provided in the links below. 

Contact APCD if you have other zero emission projects you would like to speak with us about. 

Year 2 Schedule of Solicitation and Competitive Project Scoring

Schedule of Solicitation

Applications Accepted

October 1 through November 30, 2019

Application Review Period

December 2019 through January 2020

Posting of Considered Applications

January 2020

Announcement of Project Rankings

February 1, 2020

Remaining Funding Application Acceptance January 6, 2020 through March 2, 2020


Competitive Scoring

The APCD will score potential projects based on the below table. Projects receiving the lowest number of points, based on the below criteria, will have funding priority. 


* Individual AB 1550 census tracts will be scored based on the below table. To find out if your project is within an AB 1550 community, click here

** Community outreach scoring will be posted at the end of September 2019. 

Community Outreach for the CAP Program


The CAP Program emphasizes the importance of implementing outreach to low-income communities. In the Spring and Summer of 2019, APCD staff attended the events listed below to get community feedback on what they think pollutes the air in their community and where they would like to see more electric charging stations. Over 300 visitors that came to our booth were asked to rank their preferences!

to survey community members: 

  • April 2019 Oceano Day of the Child
  • April 2019 San Luis Obispo Children's Day in the Plaza
  • July 2019 Morro bay Main Street Market
  • August 2019 Los Osos Library Youth Craft Fair & Book Sale
  • August 2019 Paso Robles Trading Day & Kids Flea Market

The results of the community survey are below: 


Year 2 Project Applications Submitted October 1 through November 30, 2019

The CAP Program emphasizes continued outreach through project implementation. To leave a comment about potentially funded projects or any other aspects of AB 617 or the CAP Program, email Jacqueline Mansoor at [email protected]. The SLO County APCD commits to doing more public outreach for the CAP Programonce the COVID-19 risk has subsided. 

The table below is a ranked listing of local projects to be considered for CAP funding. 

  Located in a Low-Income Community? Project Awardee Name Brief Project Description Award Amount Provided
1 Yes San Luis Obispo Regional Transit This project would help fund SLO Regional Transit’s new bus maintenance facility by installing two Battery Electric Bus charging stations. $721,980
2 Yes City of Grover Beach This project would help fund the City of Grover Beach Train Station Expansion Project by installing two L2 EV charging stations.   $17,650 
3 Yes San Luis Obispo Transit The project would support the City of SLO’s transit services by providing funding for the installation of three Battery Electric Bus charging stations.  TBA
4 Yes City of Morro Bay (1247 Embarcadero) This project would install one public L2 EV charger on the Embarcadero in Morro Bay.  $8,300
5 No City of Morro Bay (1205 Embarcadero) This project would install two public L2 EV chargers on the Embarcadero in Morro Bay.  $13,140
6    No Hampton Inn This project would install two L2 EV public chargers at the Hampton Inn in Paso Robles. $21,030

Year 2 Project Applications Submitted After November 30, 2019 through March 2, 2020

The table below is a ranked listing of local projects submitted to the CAP Program. Award decisions have not been determined at this time. 

  Located in a Low-Income Community? Project Awardee Name Brief Project Description Awarded CAP Funds? 
1   Yes City of San Luis Obispo This project would help fund an EV ARC solar-powered L2 EV Charger at the SLO City Hall to be used for fleet and staff vehicles. TBA
2 Yes Paso Robles Inn This project would help fund 2, L2 EV chargers and an upgrade to an existing L1 charger to a L2 charger at the Paso Robles Inn in downtown Paso Robles.  TBA
3 No Shore Cliff Hotel This project would help fund 2, L2 EV chargers and an upgrade to an existing L1 charger to a L2 charger at the Shore Cliff Hotel in Pismo Beach. TBA
4 No Pismo Lighthouse Hotel This project would help fund 2, L2 EV chargers and an upgrade to an existing L1 charger at the Pismo Lighthouse Hotel in Pismo Beach. TBA
5 No La Bellasera Hotel This project would help fund 2 public L2 EV chargers at the La Bellasera in Paso Robles.  TBA
6 Yes San Luis Coastal Unified School District This project would help replace a 1994 diesel school bus with a 2019 cleaner burning diesel school bus.  TBA
7 Yes San Luis Coastal Unified School District This project would help replace a 1994 diesel school bus with a 2019 cleaner burning diesel school bus.  TBA
8 Yes San Luis Coastal Unified School District This project would help replace a 1997 diesel school bus with a 2019 cleaner burning diesel school bus.  TBA
9 Yes San Luis Coastal Unified School District This project would help replace a 1997 diesel school bus with a 2019 cleaner burning diesel school bus.  TBA
10 Yes San Luis Coastal Unified School District This project would help replace a 1997 diesel school bus with a 2019 cleaner burning diesel school bus.  TBA
11 No Avila Lighthouse Suites This project would help fund 2, L2 EV chargers and an upgrade to an existing L1 charger to a L2 charger at the Avila Lighthouse Suites in Avila. TBA
12 No Ragged Point Inn This project would help fund 2, L2 EV chargers at the Raggedc Point Inn north of San Simeon Beach TBA


Year 1 Awarded Projects

The table below illustrates local projects funded through the CAP Program. 

Located in a Low-Income Community? Project Awardee Name Brief Project Description Award Amount Provided
Yes Paso Robles Joint Unified School District This project replaced a 1989 diesel school bus with a Bluebird 72 passenger green power all electric bus. Paso Robles Joint USD was the only school bus application received that was zero emission and located in the low-income zone.  $176,550
Yes Paso Robles Joint Unified School District The project includes the installation of a level 3 electric vehicle chargers to power Paso Robles Joint USD new electric bus.  $255,970
Yes Cal Poly Corporation The project includes the installation of 1 level 2 charger at the Cal Poly Facilities, Operations and Maintenance Department to be used for fleet purposes.  $18,440
No Paulo Pecora This project includes the installation of one level 3 electric vehicle chargerin San Miguel, California.  $105,450

If you have questions related to the Community Air Protection Plan, contact Jackie Mansoor at 805-781-5983.


Funding Source Acknowledgement

The Community Air Protection Plan is part of California Climate Investments, a statewide program that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing GHG emissions, strengthening the economy, and improving public health and the environment– particularly in disadvantaged communities. The Cap-and-Trade program also creates a financial incentive for industries to invest in clean technologies and develop innovative ways to reduce pollution. California Climate Investments projects include affordable housing, renewable energy, public transportation, zero-emission vehicles, environmental restoration, more sustainable agriculture, recycling, and much more. At least 35 percent of these investments are located within and benefiting residents of disadvantaged communities, low-income communities, and low-income households across California. For more information, visit the California Climate Investments website at: www.caclimateinvestments.ca.gov.

To see the results of all CCI projects, read the annual report here: http://www.caclimateinvestments.ca.gov/annual-report

Click here to see an online map of all final CCI Projects: www.arb.ca.gov/ccimap