Burn Day Status

July 3 - Ag Burn only. Backyard Burn Season is CLOSED.





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SLO County EV & Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Programs

Information updated January 19, 2024.


SLO County APCD Alt Fuel Infrastructure Grant Program

The SLO County APCD's Alt Fuel Infrastructure Grant Program provides funding for Electric Vehicle Charging and Hydrogen Fueling Stations in San Luis Obispo County. 

This is a first-come, first-serve program and over $542,924 will be available February 1, 2024 until funding is expended for new, conversion of existing, and expansion to existing non-residential EV Charging Fueling Stations. Funding will be prioritized for EV battery charging at multifamily dwellings, workplace charging, public agency fleet and public charging, destination areas such as airports, hotels, schools, hospitals, shopping centers, and along freeway, roadway corridors or serving a port/railyard/freight facility. 

80% of funding must be located in the AB-1550 zone in the blue in this map.

Project Type Non-Low-Income (Moyer & AB923 Funding) Low-Income (AB617 CAP Funding)
Any infrastructure project 50% 60%
Any infrastructure project located at a sensitive receptor 50% 100%
Publicly accessible project 60% 70%
Public school bus battery charging 100% 100%
Publicly accessible projects with solar/wind power systems 75% 85%
Projects with solar/wind power systems 65% 75%
Additional incentive for projects serving a port/railyard/freight facility N/A +10%

Please see the program overview and application link. The below items will be required for a complete application. 

  • Eligible Costs: design/engineering, site prep, signage, equipment, installation, energy/power upgrades, taxes, shipping delivery, permits, ADA requirements. More are listed in the application and program over.
  • Ineligible Costs are fuel, payment collection technology, cloud services, travel, maintenance, upgrades to existing stations, warranty, insurance.
  • For public projects, two quotes and Spec sheets are required by electricians.
  • Quotes must be itemized.
  • Aerial Map
  • W-9
  • Applicant’s Business Structure
  • Evidence of Leasehold or Property Ownership

Program Overview (4 pages)

Alternative Fuel and Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Application

Certified Installer Requirement

Per program guidelines, all projects that receive funding through this grant program must use Electric Vehicle Instructure Training Program (EVITP) certified installers. To find a certified installer in your area, click here

Americans with Disabilities Act

Please note that before work commences on your alt fuel project, you must obtain all required land use permits from agencies needed to install and operate the installation. The installation must comply with all applicable rules and regulations, including the Americans with Disabilities Act. A copy of the finalized building permit must be provided to APCD before the grant project is paid. 

The U.S. Department of Energy provides resources for installing electric vehicle charging in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Requirements. Please click here.

In addition, the Department of General Services released Electric Vehicle Charging Stations accessibility regulations that may provide guidance. Please click here.

Community Air Protection Program (AB617)

The APCD Board has authorized additional grant funding from California Assembly Bill 617 - Community Air Grants Program. AB 617 seeks to ensure that all Californians benefit equitably from our state's air quality and climate efforts, especially those who live in the areas of California most severely impacted by air pollution. 

Eligible projects for this funding, which will focus on zero emission projects in under-served areas in our county, will be administered using the Carl Moyer grant program guidelines and include, but are not limited to EV and other zero-emission infrastructure, replacement of diesel equipment such as agricultural tractors and irrigation engines, construction equipment, transit and school buses, with priority given to zero-emission projects.

Non-APCD grants that can provide electric vehicle chargers

Please note that if your project receives Central Coast Community Energy power, you may be eligible for the following grants that can co-fund with APCD’s program:

3CE’s Concierge Service - Rebates are available for electric vehicles, Level 2 EV chargers, and EV readiness (electrical work related to charger installation). APCD will not reimburse costs covered by 3CE’s grant, but will count their grant as in-kind contribution.

PG&E EV Fleet will help you install EV make-ready infrastructure for medium and heavy duty fleets (delivery vehicles, school buses, transit buses etc). Pays for electrical infrastructure cost up to the customer meter.

PG&E Empower EV program offers income-eligible households up to $2,500 in financial incentives. The program extends to qualifying customers in single-family households who have recently purchased or leased an EV within six months prior to applying to the program.

For more information, please click here